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Bed Buying 101

Saturday, January 14th, 2017

FFDM Ancestry Collection

You are bound to spend a third of your life in bed. No, this isn’t a prophecy that’s going to happen because something bad is going to happen. This is truth – people will spend one-third of their lives sleeping. Since this is the case, you need to shop (more like invest) for a bed that will last a long time.

If you have been having difficulty trying to sleep lately and if you toss and turn a lot, then you could be having a problem – not just with your sleep routine but also – with your mattress.

If lying in the middle of the night means feeling backaches in the morning, then it’s really time to shop for a bed replacement. Here are some useful tips –

Remember Comfort

The most important factor that you need to consider is comfort. You will never enjoy sleeping in a bed that’s uncomfortable. No matter how fashionable it may appear, a bed is a bed and it is meant to be slept in.

To shop for a new bed, you need to know how it would feel to sleep in it. Remember that a bed is your long-term investment which means you’ll own it for no less than 10 years. You can gauge the level of comfort by feeling how soft and firm the bed is. This should be comfortable but it must also be able to give you amole support.

Will the bed need to conform to your body shape and size? In a manner, yes. If you are having difficulty finding the best position to sleep in your choice of mattress then that isn’t the mattress that’s meant for you.

Mattress Matters

The heart of any bed is the mattress so you have to study this part thoroughly before you settle in buying it.

Take note that the secret to having a good night’s sleep is to have a bed base and a mattress that suit your sleeping style. These two components must always work hand-in-hand. If you observe that you sleep better in a hotel room than in your own bed at home, then you probably have the wrong kind of bed. You should start shopping for a replacement soon.

Tummy sleepers should go for a softer mattress. If you are a back sleeper, then you might want to shop for something firmer. You need to try lying on the mattress so you’d know whether it’s the right one to buy. If you don’t feel comfortable in the mattress, then move on to the next bed and so on.

Don’t be ashamed to test mattresses in stores. If you’re sharing a bed with someone, then make sure that you shop together. Lie with your sleeping partner then attempt to roll towards each other. One of you must not feel the motion as the other one gets out of bed. A bed that’s too soft will sink one or both of you in while one that’s too hard will not mould yours or your sleeping partner’s body contours.

Consider the Bed Size

You might be led to think that you should buy the biggest bed that your money can afford. This should not always be the case. Remember that size is not always width, it could also be the bed’s length. This means that you should buy a bed that’s no less than 15 cm longer than the tallest person that would sleep in that bed.

Buying a bed does not mean that you just find a piece that you would want to sleep in at night. There is more to just lying in bed. This piece of furniture must primarily ensure that you get the best night’s sleep. If not, then it’s not the right bed or mattress for you.

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