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Conference Room Design: Developing a Positive Company Image

Hooker Furniture Home Office Sunset Point Utility File Cabinet can sit right in the same conference room as a long table and some chairs.

Hooker Furniture Home Office Sunset Point Utility File Cabinet can sit right in the same conference room as a long table and some chairs. It’s rustic, unique, it’s not your usual contemporary piece but it will definitely work.

For many small businesses, a conference room offers multiple uses. This can be a formal setting for those board meetings and client presentations. This could also be the same room where brainstorming sessions are held as well as strategic planning is drafted.

A conference room may also be used during social functions such as an employee’s birthday party and other celebratory events. This is also increasingly becoming the leading site for video conferences which link companies with their partners and customers, even their own employees.

Design Basics

Determining the actual size, furnishings and lighting for a conference room depends hugely on the number of people that would use it. Designing a space for 32 people requires bout 32 by 14 feet.

If you know the feeling of being cramped in a meeting room in the past, then you know how badly you wanted the meeting to end. That claustrophobic feeling should be eliminated if you ever want people to feel at ease inside the conference room.

There could be moments when it is more beneficial to break up the group into smaller packs during a meeting. Remember not to cramp too many chairs all around the table so that the attendees would be elbow to elbow. Comfort should still be a priority. Chairs, in particular, should be cushioned and upholstered with nothing but quality materials.

People who come from outside your company would eventually attend conferences. Some could be invited electronically to attend videoconferencing. Whichever of these events would push through first, always think about the image that your company would convey. A petite yet trendy company should embrace a more modern method. Make use of bolder colors; this is also true for bigger firms. For smaller conference rooms, make use of traditional tables and chairs as these are the more popular choice.

Table Options

Choices for the conference room table include the basic boardroom table. This is that oval or rectangular table. Chairs should be placed all around this piece of furniture.

Table variations include the V and U-shaped varieties. There are also companies that prefer the classroom type of conference room where the podium sit in front. This is the common setup for business conferences in hotels.

Added Features

An amenity that could be included in a conference room is a buffet table and some cabinets. These are needful in serving food and beverages. A small fridge can also be placed right by the corner so that the refreshments are readily available.

Technology Hub

If you were ever assigned to give an important presentation, then you know how important technology is. Modules that do not show up on the overhead screen or a video conference call that doesn’t work is the last thing that you need to happen during an important correspondence with a client.

It is needful, therefore, to have technology integrated into the conference room. Building credibility means being on top of technical matters as well. The great news is that there are now technology elements such as the one-touch panel control that can be used just as easily as you would a TV remote.

Conference Room Furnishings

Essential furniture for this room includes conference chairs and table. The chairs should be comfortable so that the attendees will feel relaxed. Make sure these are aesthetically and ergonomically designed. The seat must be padded and preferably installed with an adjustable support system.

The conference table, on the other hand, should have a design and shape according to your taste. Designer tables are available and are now known to withstand electronic gadgets and other office stuff. There are also conference tables that come with drawers where laptops and other office essentials can be stored.


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